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COFCO sponsors 'How China Works' Release Time : 2015-03-23

 'How China Works', produced by Discovery Channel and sponored  by COFCO had its premiere in Beijing on March 18, 2015.

The documentary consists of three themes, i.e., urbanization, science and technology and innovation, and livelihood and vision, focusing on changes in economy, science and technology and society of modern China, and illustrating China’s achievements in modernization construction. COFCO is one of such examples in it. COFCO offers safe and healty foods by means of R&D and innovation, showing the whole industrial chain from farmland to dining table.

According to sources, the Information Office of the State Council and Discovery Channel Asia-Pacific will release a regular programme Magic China jointly, which is the first time for the international medium group to introduce China worldwide. The programme will cover 26 countries and regions with about 100 million family subscribers. 'HOW CHINA WORKS'  will be released as the first production in this programme on March 28 and 29, after which the production will be released to 220 countries and regions with 2.5 billion family subcribers through Discovery Channel’s global networks.

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