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Fortune DHA Grain Blended Oil Ensuring Brain Health Release Time : 2012-03-20

COFCO started producing Fortune DHA Grain Blended Oil in its East Ocean Facility at Zhangjiagang on March 19 which is good for the brain and based totally on COFCO’s own R&D. Since COFCO is the only grain and oil supplier to Shanghai Expo, this type of oil is also important part of COFCO’s Expo supplies.

In addition to rich oryzanol, Fortune DHA Grain Blended Oil contains DHA which is extracted from NGM seaweeds with no additives or contamination. This product devotes care to the brain of different age groups each meal.

According to industry experts, Fortune DHA Grain Blended Oil gives a message that COFCO has grown to the R&D driven level instead of the price war or rough product categorization level.

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